All tagged Wholeness

Well, Really, I'm a Secret Spy - A 5 Step Guide to Finding Your Purpose

Almost without exception, we all want to know our purpose. It’s one of those universal questions we ask ourselves again and again over the course of our lifetime, gnawing in our gut. “What am I here for?” We want to know we have value and meaning. We want to know we’ve made a difference, that we aren’t just taking up space and sucking up air. We want to know that we matter.

Seven Signs of a Weary Soul

In this demanding, over-stimulated and over-scheduled world in which we live, Soul Weariness is epidemic. It’s destroying lives, families, careers and churches in its wake.  Anxiety, loss of enjoyment of life, and depression are the result.  Many are just hanging on, when they want to move ahead. Some are in a deep rut, or even paralyzed, as clarity of purpose and vision have vanished. With this in mind, how do you know if you are Soul Weary?  What are the symptoms?  And once identified, what do you do?  

How to Increase Your Self Awareness

I hadn’t asked myself what I wanted in life, my marriage, my pursuits, and as a woman in…well, maybe never. It seemed as if I had always piggy-backed on other people’s wants, needs and desires.  As a good Christian wife and mother, isn’t that was I was supposed to do?

When Time Management No Longer Works

There I was again – too much to do and too little time to do it.  Honestly, it seemed to be the story of my life these past months.  You’d think with the kids grown and gone; I’d be getting more - not less - done.  In the past it wasn’t a problem. I was practical a machine!  Being someone with what seemed to be endless energy, each day would begin with a mental, or better yet, written list of all that needed to be accomplished. I always knew how much I could get done, almost down to the minute. I considered myself to a Time Management Master.

Silencing the Voice of Comparison - Part 1

Why do we do it? Why do we compare? We know it’s a black hole.  It won’t help, nor will it solve any issues.  In fact, it makes issues much larger and bigger than they already are! So why do we insist on carrying on this love affair with comparison?

Social Media is Screwing Us Up!

The outcome of our willingly (and even knowingly) subjecting ourselves to everyone’s polished persona and comparing our lives with their pics (most of which have been altered or filtered), has resulted in nothing less than GRAND THEFT, stealing our confidence, self-respect, uniqueness, healthy body image, focus, and peace. For goodness sake, it’s even taken our money, as we’ve gone out and tried to purchase the life we’ve seen depicted on our phone screens!

Keeping Your Sanity in the Waiting Room

Crappy stuff has happened.  Thing’s haven’t turned out as expected.  You’re holding on to every remaining ounce of faith you possess, believing that God is at work in the midst of it all.  In fact,  you know He is, because when you look back, you recall circumstances, events, and situations in which He’s orchestrated such happenings that cannot be chalked up to mere coincidence. 

Our Journey - The Cost of a New Heart

God most often doesn’t immediately deliver us from that which we need deliverance, as most often His concern is not only deliverance, but character development, which takes time.   

Our Journey Continues - Relearning Prayer

“Oh great!” I thought, as I’d never considered intercession to be one of my spiritual gifts. “I’m too ADHD for that, God!  You understand, don’t You?!” Up to that point, my prayer life most often consisted of brief moments taken whenever prayer happened to came to mind. Looking back, I believe I had almost taken a stance of apathy, as I convinced myself that I should leave the really serious battle-fighting prayers to those who had been given this gift.

Our Journey Continues - Sacrificing Desires

After 25 plus years of consistently reading God’s Word, it never ceases to amaze me how you can read a particular scripture countless times, only to have it resurface in a new and powerful light, impacting you with a truth that is not only encouraging, but can sometimes shake you to your core, causing you to do some drastic re-evaluation. Such an occurrence reinforces the truth that His Word is living and active, never diminishing, and ever empowering

Our Journey Continues - No Longer Ignoring the Signs

I’ve heard it said, by Dr. Henry Cloud, no less, that there are three types of individuals - Wise, Foolish, and Evil.  In pondering this concept, I’ve come to a few conclusions.

Our Journey - What to Say to a Diagnosis

As of late, whether it be on paper, computer, or spoken, I’ve had difficulty with finding the proper words.  Articulate expression of my feelings and thoughts are lacking, especially when it comes to my conversations with God.  My brain has seemingly ceased producing my ability to communicate.  At times, I’m at a complete loss.

When New Mercies are Needed

In addition to being a genius, Thomas Edison (most famously known as the inventor of the light bulb), was often described as an extreme optimist. 

How Much Faith is Enough?

Stan and I recently found ourselves deep discussion regarding faith and healing.  Although both possessing faith, we each divulged we felt a lack as well, somewhat resembling the father of the sick boy, when he transparently admitted to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). 

Parental Menopause - The Mother of All Transitions

Last night both our boys called at the same time.  One spoke to Stan, the other to me.  Both called to tell us what was going on in their lives.  Both needed to talk a few things through. In the end, both sought advice.  It was nothing short of a miracle.  God has brought all four of us so far over these past 10 years…leading us through what I call the Great Parental Menopause – that transition of two adults parenting two children, to two adults who happen to be the parents of two adults.

The Strength of Meek

Of recent days, we've witnessed society fueled by those who display the greatest passion with the loudest voice to a greater degree than ever before. Those who storm the gates with the most powerful force appear to receive the highest level of attention and response.  We’ve seen it in both the political arena, as well as world events.  It seems these individuals are both admired and revered as they desperately seek to command the greatest level of attention.  Whether they are brilliant, or as dumb as a doornail, we give them our attention…at least for a little while. 

Just Kill the Snake

I killed a snake yesterday. I really did.  And it felt great!  No one was more shocked than me. Just a month ago, it would have been impossible for me to muster the courage to do such a thing. But yesterday…I mustered.  I felt empowered!  I was courageous! I was strong and fierce! “Don’t mess with me!” I boldly declared.  I certainly unleashed my inner Redneck on him.

Forgiveness Isn't...

You know when you hear a word for a phrase, over and over? It seems you can’t escape it’s invasion into your space.  Author Margaret Feinberg describes this as a “Sacred Echo,” when God is trying to get your attention or get a point across. This very thing happened to me this past week.  The word I kept hearing?  “Forgiveness.”  First, I saw it in a letter someone had written.  Then I heard someone say it out loud. Then I heard an analogy about forgiveness. Finally, I clearly heard God’s voice…”Cammie, you haven’t really forgiven ________.”  Awesome.  Just awesome. I thought this account had been cleared.

"Holy Spirit" Isn't the Name on Your Driver's License

She sat directly in front of me, nervous, scared and frustrated - rejected by those who claimed to be friends.  And if rejection in itself wasn’t enough, it was accompanied by accusation, judgment and criticism. She had been labeled as bitter and unforgiving, when those flinging the accusations were themselves withholding forgiveness.

The Reason We Don't Talk About Sin

Hello.  My name is Cammie and I’m a sinner. I know it and I own it.  I try not to sin, but inevitably, it happens.  Whether it’s something I say, watch, or do, no sooner does the action take place than I know what’s transpired.  Sometimes I sin deliberately.  Sometimes it’s an honest mistake.  Regardless, I know that I’m a big fat sinner…and I think that’s a very good thing.