All in Silence

Waking Up to the Beauty of Slow (Because Jesus Didn't Go Fast)

This idea of slowing…ruthlessly eliminating hurry from our lives…is nothing short of extraordinarily counter-cultural. Society deems faster is better, waiting is wasteful, and slow is lazy with every message it can muster.

With this in mind, over these next weeks, in true Coach and Spiritual Director fashion, I hope to share with you ideas, concepts, questions, and possibilities that could help you on your own journey, as you seek to become closer to the One who loves you most, the One who delights in you, the One who has so much to show you, as you chose to wake up to the beauty of slow.

How to Increase Your Self Awareness

I hadn’t asked myself what I wanted in life, my marriage, my pursuits, and as a woman in…well, maybe never. It seemed as if I had always piggy-backed on other people’s wants, needs and desires.  As a good Christian wife and mother, isn’t that was I was supposed to do?

When Time Management No Longer Works

There I was again – too much to do and too little time to do it.  Honestly, it seemed to be the story of my life these past months.  You’d think with the kids grown and gone; I’d be getting more - not less - done.  In the past it wasn’t a problem. I was practical a machine!  Being someone with what seemed to be endless energy, each day would begin with a mental, or better yet, written list of all that needed to be accomplished. I always knew how much I could get done, almost down to the minute. I considered myself to a Time Management Master.

Conversing with Grief - Thank You Mt. Zion UMC

When I walk…I walk fast.  Not speed walker fast, but fast enough that some of my friends to refuse to walk with me.   “Slow down!” they say.  Really?  What’s the use of walking, if you don’t walk fast?  I mean, burning calories is the goal, right?

The Greatest Battle - Being Yourself

“To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody but yourself – means to fight the hardest battle which
any human being can fight – and never stop fighting.”

Silencing the Voice of Comparison - Part 1

Why do we do it? Why do we compare? We know it’s a black hole.  It won’t help, nor will it solve any issues.  In fact, it makes issues much larger and bigger than they already are! So why do we insist on carrying on this love affair with comparison?

Excluding God from Our Relationship with God

The blinders, which had slowly been building on my spiritual eyes over a timespan of at least 25 years, had been removed.  I was finally seeing things clearly for the first time – I had become downright MILITANT in my daily quest to spend time with God – checking off the “boxes” of scripture reading, as if that alone would get me close to Him.  In my quest to be disciplined, I had slowly, but surely, excluded God from a time that was intended for intimacy