All in Dreams

Where Joy and Sorrow Kiss

The coming and leaving of those we love, the experiences of love and betrayal, the witnessing of birth and death, care and indifference, generosity and stinginess can actually be our pathway to true freedom. All of these tensions can result in a deep, deep yearning for full freedom that is beyond the structures of our world.

Drinking the cup of Salvation involves emptying the cup of sorrow and the cup of joy, so that God can fill it with pure life.


How did a challenge I received from George W. Bush change my life and how can it change yours? Listen to this quick video to discover how to fill your 2021 with much goodness!

Well, Really, I'm a Secret Spy - A 5 Step Guide to Finding Your Purpose

Almost without exception, we all want to know our purpose. It’s one of those universal questions we ask ourselves again and again over the course of our lifetime, gnawing in our gut. “What am I here for?” We want to know we have value and meaning. We want to know we’ve made a difference, that we aren’t just taking up space and sucking up air. We want to know that we matter.

"Aint Nobody Got Time for That" - One Woman's Journey with Feelings

I’m good with feelings…the convenient ones, that is, such as joy, passion and anger. These emotions I can respect. They are straight up, clean and uncomplicated. These I can fit into my agendas. But more complicated feelings, that’s another story.

Take Your Power Back - Do Away with Energy Vampires

With all that is going on in our culture - Covid, politics, endless opinions and never-ending conflict, our energy levels are struggling! Listen to this quick video to discover one change you can make to get some of your power back!