All tagged Emotional Health

"Aint Nobody Got Time for That" - One Woman's Journey with Feelings

I’m good with feelings…the convenient ones, that is, such as joy, passion and anger. These emotions I can respect. They are straight up, clean and uncomplicated. These I can fit into my agendas. But more complicated feelings, that’s another story.

How to Increase Your Self Awareness

I hadn’t asked myself what I wanted in life, my marriage, my pursuits, and as a woman in…well, maybe never. It seemed as if I had always piggy-backed on other people’s wants, needs and desires.  As a good Christian wife and mother, isn’t that was I was supposed to do?

Ask Me, Don't Tell Me - the Power of Questions

Trust me – there’s a huge difference between “Get me a glass of water!" and “Would you please get me a glass of water?” The result of the latter being a glass of water; the result of the former being a death glance, possibly accompanied by afore-mentioned glass being thrown across the room (which may or may not have happened in our first year of marriage).

Keeping Your Sanity in the Waiting Room

Crappy stuff has happened.  Thing’s haven’t turned out as expected.  You’re holding on to every remaining ounce of faith you possess, believing that God is at work in the midst of it all.  In fact,  you know He is, because when you look back, you recall circumstances, events, and situations in which He’s orchestrated such happenings that cannot be chalked up to mere coincidence. 

Taking Care of Business for 2018

I was struggling for air, feeling as if I’d been holding my breath for ages.  My heart was literally racing.  I had that sick feeling in my stomach, which for me is indicative of shock, trauma even.

A Guide to Self-Awareness

What’s the matter with people? Why can’t they just be nice, for goodness sake?! Sometimes the lack of health and straight-up courtesy displayed by those who should know better (pastors, teachers, leaders, Christians, etc.) just astounds me

Our Journey Continues - Relearning Prayer

“Oh great!” I thought, as I’d never considered intercession to be one of my spiritual gifts. “I’m too ADHD for that, God!  You understand, don’t You?!” Up to that point, my prayer life most often consisted of brief moments taken whenever prayer happened to came to mind. Looking back, I believe I had almost taken a stance of apathy, as I convinced myself that I should leave the really serious battle-fighting prayers to those who had been given this gift.

Our Journey Continues - Sacrificing Desires

After 25 plus years of consistently reading God’s Word, it never ceases to amaze me how you can read a particular scripture countless times, only to have it resurface in a new and powerful light, impacting you with a truth that is not only encouraging, but can sometimes shake you to your core, causing you to do some drastic re-evaluation. Such an occurrence reinforces the truth that His Word is living and active, never diminishing, and ever empowering

Parental Menopause - The Mother of All Transitions

Last night both our boys called at the same time.  One spoke to Stan, the other to me.  Both called to tell us what was going on in their lives.  Both needed to talk a few things through. In the end, both sought advice.  It was nothing short of a miracle.  God has brought all four of us so far over these past 10 years…leading us through what I call the Great Parental Menopause – that transition of two adults parenting two children, to two adults who happen to be the parents of two adults.

Detrimental Leadership Mistake - Overlooking the Quiet Ones

We’re getting it wrong when it comes to identifying leaders.  Not all the time…but a lot of the time. When are we going to learn that it’s not about the good looks or showiness?  It’s not about the charisma, pedigree, loudness or shininess of the package.  We’re failing to look beyond the outer presentation, investigate, dig deep, and use God-given discernment to discover the true depth, health, and wholeness of those we desire to elevate to leadership. We’re failing to discover if they possess integrity, character, and resolve – the true inner being of a leader. It doesn't matter what they're like in public, as much as it matters what they're like in private.

It's Not the Government's Responsibility

God didn’t tell the Government to fix racial tension or promote one people groups agenda over another.  Rather, He commanded us to “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4.   If we truly considered others better than ourselves, looking to others’ interests instead of our own, there wouldn’t be racial tension nor division. If you believe your race is better than another race…you might want to hold on to your hat, because there will be absolutely no racial divides in eternity!