All in Stillbirth

"Aint Nobody Got Time for That" - One Woman's Journey with Feelings

I’m good with feelings…the convenient ones, that is, such as joy, passion and anger. These emotions I can respect. They are straight up, clean and uncomplicated. These I can fit into my agendas. But more complicated feelings, that’s another story.

Conversing with Grief - Thank You Mt. Zion UMC

When I walk…I walk fast.  Not speed walker fast, but fast enough that some of my friends to refuse to walk with me.   “Slow down!” they say.  Really?  What’s the use of walking, if you don’t walk fast?  I mean, burning calories is the goal, right?

When You've Lost a Child or Know Someone Who Has

October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. It is estimated that one in four women/couples suffer miscarriage, stillbirth or loss of an infant. Although many are affected, few are talking about it.