All tagged God

Where Joy and Sorrow Kiss

The coming and leaving of those we love, the experiences of love and betrayal, the witnessing of birth and death, care and indifference, generosity and stinginess can actually be our pathway to true freedom. All of these tensions can result in a deep, deep yearning for full freedom that is beyond the structures of our world.

Drinking the cup of Salvation involves emptying the cup of sorrow and the cup of joy, so that God can fill it with pure life.

When You're Longing to Hear from God...

How long has it been since I felt like I honest-to-goodness heard from the Lord?

I can’t even remember.

It had been such a long time since I’d found that golden-Holy-Spirit-nugget-of-truth, jumping off the pages, bringing clarity, solace, understanding, even a surge of energy. For more days than I could count, it seemed as if I have been merely going through the motions, doing the next “right” thing, hoping that eventually there would be some type of break thru - that familiar, yet unfamiliar, spark that would once again ignite the passion within me to not merely “get through” another day, but rather seize it with a force of gusto originating from deep within my belly, knowing that I was on target to do what He’d called me to do.

Is God Really Good?

As a follower of Christ, believer, pastor, pastor’s wife and truth seeker, I’ve wrestled on and off with these question for years.  While my mind believed and my mouth confessed of God’s goodness, in an effort to live an honest and authentic life, I’ve been forced to admit that  at times I wrestle with the validity of this broken declaration. That although His goodness was definitely evident, glimpses of Him are sometimes accompanied by times of discouragement, heartache, disappointment, even perceived abandonment, in which authentically owning the belief that He was good, has limped at best.  

Braving the Wild of Relationships

I come from the belief (and experience) that friendships can be really, really good…or so troublesome that they make you want to hightail it to somewhere off the Appalachian Trail, completely off the grid, and live a life of total and complete solitude without TV, social media or Diet Dr. Pepper.  It’s that’s serious. 

Is God Disappointed When We're Afraid?

We beat ourselves up about fear, especially when we know that God tells us we have no need to fear.  We can be really hard on ourselves, convinced that there is something very wrong with us. “If I trusted God enough, I wouldn’t be struggling with this!  Can’t I just get over it?  How many times do I have to turn this over to God?!”At times, shame and guilt can seem to overwhelm us because we fear.  

Our Journey - Bring it On 2018!

On several occasions these past weeks, I’ve heard many friends, acquaintances, and even a waitress or two mention looking forward to leaving 2017 behind, kissing it goodbye, kicking it to the curb, and boldly declaring “Good riddance!”  I include myself in this group.

Keeping Your Sanity in the Waiting Room

Crappy stuff has happened.  Thing’s haven’t turned out as expected.  You’re holding on to every remaining ounce of faith you possess, believing that God is at work in the midst of it all.  In fact,  you know He is, because when you look back, you recall circumstances, events, and situations in which He’s orchestrated such happenings that cannot be chalked up to mere coincidence. 

Our Journey - Choosing the Miraculous

Have you ever experienced someone explaining a miraculous occurrence in their life, boldly proclaiming that it could be nothing other than the result of the power of Jesus Christ…and you doubt. Big time.  Possibly even internally scrutinize the accuracy of their claim?

Irma Will Not Have the Final Word

As I continue to watch the news stations as they predict and report the approach of possibly the most powerful hurricane in recorded history, Irma, I have decided to not post my usual weekly blog, as it seems pretty insignificant at such a time as this. Rather, I want to let those in Florida know that I am praying. 

Our Journey - Finding Joy in the Waiting

Obviously, to say waiting has been a life-long struggle for me, is a grand understatement. It’s as if I’ve placed myself in the position of judge and jury, determining the speed and direction in which everyone or everything around me should move - even God Himself. When non-movement is the perceived response, judgmentalism can ensue, causing me to be frustrated with the world and God alike. Although I am sure there are “groups” for people like me, please tell me I’m not the only one!

Our Journey Continues - Relearning Prayer

“Oh great!” I thought, as I’d never considered intercession to be one of my spiritual gifts. “I’m too ADHD for that, God!  You understand, don’t You?!” Up to that point, my prayer life most often consisted of brief moments taken whenever prayer happened to came to mind. Looking back, I believe I had almost taken a stance of apathy, as I convinced myself that I should leave the really serious battle-fighting prayers to those who had been given this gift.

Don't Be Afraid of Them!

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the one who goes with you.  He will not leave your nor forsake you. Deut. 31:6

Parental Menopause - The Mother of All Transitions

Last night both our boys called at the same time.  One spoke to Stan, the other to me.  Both called to tell us what was going on in their lives.  Both needed to talk a few things through. In the end, both sought advice.  It was nothing short of a miracle.  God has brought all four of us so far over these past 10 years…leading us through what I call the Great Parental Menopause – that transition of two adults parenting two children, to two adults who happen to be the parents of two adults.

Forgiveness Isn't...

You know when you hear a word for a phrase, over and over? It seems you can’t escape it’s invasion into your space.  Author Margaret Feinberg describes this as a “Sacred Echo,” when God is trying to get your attention or get a point across. This very thing happened to me this past week.  The word I kept hearing?  “Forgiveness.”  First, I saw it in a letter someone had written.  Then I heard someone say it out loud. Then I heard an analogy about forgiveness. Finally, I clearly heard God’s voice…”Cammie, you haven’t really forgiven ________.”  Awesome.  Just awesome. I thought this account had been cleared.

"Holy Spirit" Isn't the Name on Your Driver's License

She sat directly in front of me, nervous, scared and frustrated - rejected by those who claimed to be friends.  And if rejection in itself wasn’t enough, it was accompanied by accusation, judgment and criticism. She had been labeled as bitter and unforgiving, when those flinging the accusations were themselves withholding forgiveness.