All in Mentoring

When God Isn't Answering Your Prayers

We’ve all had prayers that we feel haven’t been answered. I know I have. You may even be in the midst of earnestly praying for something right now, and you’re wondering if God’s even listening. I’ve heard it said that when we are praying to God, there are three possible answers: Yes; No; or Not now.   But I believe there’s one more possible answer: “There’s a bigger picture here.  Are you willing to trust Me?”

The Key to Curing Pride

As with many people, each year I ask God for a “word.”  You know, that “thing” that is to be your focus or theme for the year.  I began asking in the Fall, and as a result, He gave me not only one word, but two: “Manifest Presence.”  I immediately dove in, trying my best to fully understand and experience this concept.  My journey has been different than what I imagined.

Detrimental Leadership Mistake - Overlooking the Quiet Ones

We’re getting it wrong when it comes to identifying leaders.  Not all the time…but a lot of the time. When are we going to learn that it’s not about the good looks or showiness?  It’s not about the charisma, pedigree, loudness or shininess of the package.  We’re failing to look beyond the outer presentation, investigate, dig deep, and use God-given discernment to discover the true depth, health, and wholeness of those we desire to elevate to leadership. We’re failing to discover if they possess integrity, character, and resolve – the true inner being of a leader. It doesn't matter what they're like in public, as much as it matters what they're like in private.

Is Wounded Worship What He Had in Mind?

The worship music is playing.  The hearts, minds, and arms of those around you are extended in praise.  Yet, you manage to find yourself struggling to engage; to "feel" it; to even flat out participate. Has this ever happened to you?  I know it has me. It's at these times that your desire to offer heartfelt worship to the One you love seems much too inadequate.  Your mind tells you to “get over it,” but your heart won’t let you.

It's Not the Government's Responsibility

God didn’t tell the Government to fix racial tension or promote one people groups agenda over another.  Rather, He commanded us to “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4.   If we truly considered others better than ourselves, looking to others’ interests instead of our own, there wouldn’t be racial tension nor division. If you believe your race is better than another race…you might want to hold on to your hat, because there will be absolutely no racial divides in eternity!

How to Pray When You're Seriously ADHD

But how does one do that when you’re seriously ADHD? What do you do if you struggle to focus every single time that you pray?  I pray. I really do.  But most often, it’s a couple minutes here and a few minutes there.  Goodness!  It’s even hard for me to finish a complete sentence sometimes without finding myself on a completely different subject!

Faith Isn't a Formula - It's Messy and Real

The greatest ingredient to strong faith is HONESTY – truthfully admitting “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24).  Faith is being authentic and honest with ourselves and God, constantly communicating with him, whether or not we feel strong.  When we’re doing it right, faith is real and raw. Faith is constantly asking God to help us believe, inviting Him into the situation and trying not to “will” it to happen in our own strength. Faith isn’t perfect.  Faith can even be messy. Mine certainly is.

Small Things Really Matter

In preparation for each New Year, I always create a Spiritual Growth Plan.  It has nothing to do with resolutions. But rather, it’s a strategy set in place to help me grow, flourish, and of course, be challenged.  I requires me to seriously seek God, asking what my focus is to be. This year as I thought, prayed, and mapped out my new plan, I was challenged that it's not  just the big things, but the little ones that matter - not only in growth, but with how we make a difference in the world and eternity.

How Much Jesus Do You Really Want?

“Most Christians take just enough snippets of Jesus to make them feel good, but not enough for true transformation.” Not only does this statement speak truth, but it defines a very real predicament within Christianity, particularly in America, as it seems many of us are running from true transformation. 

What's it Like Being Married to Me?

I seemed to have arrived at a destination, not even realizing I was on a trip.  When did things get so dull, tired…routine?  Where’s the pizazz?  Where’s the fun? Why’s everyone so sensitive? What can I do to make it right again?  I force myself to ask a personal question that may seem completely unrelated to the situation, but in reality, can hold the key to returning things to where they should be. This question requires humility, extreme honesty, and a great deal of introspection and willingness to take responsibility.  It holds the power to unlock doors to a happier marriage, a more satisfied spouse, and a life-filled home. What’s it like being married to me?

The Reason We Don't Talk About Sin

Hello.  My name is Cammie and I’m a sinner. I know it and I own it.  I try not to sin, but inevitably, it happens.  Whether it’s something I say, watch, or do, no sooner does the action take place than I know what’s transpired.  Sometimes I sin deliberately.  Sometimes it’s an honest mistake.  Regardless, I know that I’m a big fat sinner…and I think that’s a very good thing.

The Secret of Mary's Success

Thanksgiving is officially over.  I’ve eaten way too much. I’ve talked politics with family members till I’m blue in the face. My house is a total disaster. My checking account has taken a serious hit, and my body has officially nose-dived from all of the sugar I’ve consumed.  I weighed this morning and I just about died.  It’s been great, to say the least. Settling back into reality is quickly approaching, and Christmas is merely weeks away.

The Power of Saying it Out Loud

Have you ever been struck by a feeling of angst, the source of which is completely unknown? “What the heck is the matter with me?” runs through your mind. You try to "snap out of it," but no go.  It's still there.  Sometimes I can assess and figure out such a dilemma within minutes. Other times moments can turn into days before I’m able to acknowledge my lack of peace, provoking the question, “What in the world is causing me to feel this way?”  It’s then that I must stop, look within, attempt to identify my emotions and events of past hours or days.


Don't Be Ugly

What happened to “agreeing to disagree,” allowing each other the freedom to express a contrary opinion, without someone else hurling hurtful and downright abusive comments? Why are we seeing friendships literally destroyed right before our eyes, as insults are slung in contrast to previous professions of love?  Or better yet, what happened to keeping our opinions to ourselves? Do we really have to react by voicing EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT that comes into our minds?

Tell Me What to Do...but DON'T Tell Me What To Do!

We LOVE the promises of God’s Word, don’t we? We love to hear about how good He is, how much He loves us, and the blessings He has in store for us.  The thing is, we often miss out on all that stuff because we neglect to take into account our part of the deal in obtaining all of the good stuff.  Then we wonder why we aren't being blessed. As I discovered 20 years ago, we have a say in whether or not we’re going to do what He says in order to obtain the Good Life.

"That's Where the Crazy Comes From" - Removing Family Chaos for Generations to Come

So what’s your “crazy”? If you believe you have no “crazy,” can I respectfully challenge you?  All families have it, because we’re human and imperfect.   By taking the time to identify the crazy, we can then take it to God, allowing Him to heal and restore – showing and enabling us to live a new and better way.  It is then that the power of the past, even if it is that of our great-great-grandparents and beyond, is broken.

Women and Pornography - An Honest Conversation

I would like to talk to talk specifically to all of the Ladies today, however, Men, please read on, as I really want to hear your thoughts on this matter.  What I have to say will very possibly either cause you to go “Yes!” or “Cammie, you’re crazy!” Whatever the outcome, as I used to tell my kids when they were younger, “I love you enough to make you mad at me.”

Silencing the Greatest Naysayer - Ourselves

All too often, the greatest "Naysayer" isn’t someone from without, but rather someone from within – ourselves.  We can be our own worst enemy, self-sabotaging any "God-ideas" that appear in our hearts and/or heads by disqualifying ourselves before we've even allowed God Himself to qualify us.  This scenario has played itself out in my life way too often.   I cannot even tell you how many times I've been guilty - disqualifying myself, or the dream I've been given, within mere minutes of receiving such a vision.  I don’t even allow the dream to take flight before I’ve grounded it to utter failure.

Seriously, He's Not Disappointed in You

During one particular gathering, approximately one year ago, our Senior Pastor spoke of the concept of our personal view of our Heavenly Father being molded and shaped by what we have experienced with our earthly father.  Probably, like you, I’ve both heard and read this viewpoint many times.

"Being a Pastor's Wife is like watching your husband get the crap beat out of him in a boxing ring.  You're outside of the ring watching the entire thing happen, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it."  Chuck, our spiritual father and counselor had seriously nailed it. That was 1999.  Stan and I were in the middle of the most difficult season that we had ever or would ever experience in ministry.