How to Pray When You're Seriously ADHD

Like many churches, each year our church embarks on a 21-day fast in the month of January.  It’s the perfect opportunity for us as individuals, as well as a congregation, to not only practice the Biblical principle of fasting, but press into God – what He's both saying and doing – with greater intentionality than normal.  Some partially or fully abstain from food; others cut back on social media; some may sacrifice television – there are no rules, as it’s really a matter of depriving yourself of something, prompting you to more fully seek God.

As I mentioned in my last post, our year got off to a very rocky start, making this particular fast one of even greater importance.  I've been determined to not just “diet,” but pursue God relentlessly, as I don’t want to just “go through the motions,” which I confess, is very easy to do.  To be honest too often, I’ve completed these fasts having lost a few pounds, but not necessarily feeling that I’ve prayed more, gotten closer to God, or heard Him more clearly.  So this year I decided I would press in with greater determination than ever before – focusing more on the prayer and seeking God portion of fasting, rather than the not eating, or deprivation aspect of fasting. 

But how does one do that when you’re seriously ADHD? What do you do if you struggle to focus every single time that you pray?  I pray. I really do.  But most often, it’s a couple minutes here and a few minutes there.  Goodness!  It’s even hard for me to finish a complete sentence sometimes without finding myself on a completely different subject! It seems the only way I can stay focused and on task for an extended period of time, is when someone much more disciplined and mature in the art of prayer literally holds my hand and keeps me on task. I always start out with the greatest of intentions, but it usually doesn’t take long for me to discover I’m down a completely different road, not realizing how the heck I got there. Oh!  Isn’t that a pretty bird?!  Yep, it’s a great burden to bear.

So this year I decided to shake it up by doing a few things differently: 1) I would write my prayers out, word for word; and 2) I would wake up earlier (45 minutes to 1 hour), so I would have the time to do it properly, giving me a total of 1.75 to 2 hours each morning to read my Bible, journal, and then write my prayers. 

Today was Day 17, and I’ve got to say….it’s been absolutely amazing!  I feel that I have been communicating with God with greater clarity and purpose than ever.  This “method” has helped me to articulate what I am feeling, questioning, asking and communicating with Him. Most miraculously, it’s actually kept me on task!  Take that, ADHD!  I’m discovering that not only am I hearing Him more clearly during these special times in the morning, but throughout the entire day.  It’s a game-changer for sure.

Last evening as I was talking to friends, without a doubt, I specifically heard God say, “It’s not what you’ve already learned that’s the most important, but what I’m teaching you now, that really matters. Let Me give you fresh lessons, so that you don’t have to depend on the old.”  Bam!  I knew that was definitely Him and not me, as I know that although God has taught me much over all of these years, too often I find myself relying on lessons learned in the past, instead of seeking to learn fresh lessons now.  Depending on lessons learned in the past may be good, but there’s better and there’s fresher.  Leaning on past lessons may be easier, but fresh lessons are more effective and powerful.

Don’t get me wrong…all of our lessons of the past are vitally important.  We wouldn’t be who we are or where we are without them! This is how He’s molded, changed and shaped us.  This is how He’s gotten us to where we are.  But too often, are we missing the fresh lessons of today, because we’re drawing from the lessons of the past, as that is what’s most convenient?  Has pride caused us to not recognize that there is still SO MUCH for us to learn now? Do we even understand that we are desperate to learn and grow?   Could we possibly not be as far along as we think?  Is there a chance that we may not be as healthy as we perceive? 

With great humility, I am discovering that I’m not all that.  I have much to learn and I certainly haven’t arrived.  God has greater lessons to teach me. I have greater lessons to learn.  And it all begins with my pressing in, humbling myself, asking Him how I need to grow, and then discovering His truth - His fresh truth.  Oh, and also asking Him for help with my ADHD – especially when it comes to prayer!

I think I’m ready.  I really do.  How about you?  Are you willing to seek Him with a greater intensity in 2017, looking for those lessons and opportunities for growth?  Are you willing to wake up earlier, or write your prayers, be mentored, take a class, or stay up later?  Perhaps your 2017, like mine, hasn’t gotten off to the best of starts.  If that’s the case, would you be willing to join me in turning your year around – allowing Him to do what He does best – change everything? Teach us something new and fresh?

He's got something fresh, for sure.  Even for those with ADHD.

Thanks for reading!


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