All tagged intimacy

Braving the Wild of Relationships

I come from the belief (and experience) that friendships can be really, really good…or so troublesome that they make you want to hightail it to somewhere off the Appalachian Trail, completely off the grid, and live a life of total and complete solitude without TV, social media or Diet Dr. Pepper.  It’s that’s serious. 

How to Increase Your Self Awareness

I hadn’t asked myself what I wanted in life, my marriage, my pursuits, and as a woman in…well, maybe never. It seemed as if I had always piggy-backed on other people’s wants, needs and desires.  As a good Christian wife and mother, isn’t that was I was supposed to do?

What's it Like Being Married to Me?

I seemed to have arrived at a destination, not even realizing I was on a trip.  When did things get so dull, tired…routine?  Where’s the pizazz?  Where’s the fun? Why’s everyone so sensitive? What can I do to make it right again?  I force myself to ask a personal question that may seem completely unrelated to the situation, but in reality, can hold the key to returning things to where they should be. This question requires humility, extreme honesty, and a great deal of introspection and willingness to take responsibility.  It holds the power to unlock doors to a happier marriage, a more satisfied spouse, and a life-filled home. What’s it like being married to me?