All tagged authenticity

Braving the Wild of Relationships

I come from the belief (and experience) that friendships can be really, really good…or so troublesome that they make you want to hightail it to somewhere off the Appalachian Trail, completely off the grid, and live a life of total and complete solitude without TV, social media or Diet Dr. Pepper.  It’s that’s serious. 

Finding Your Mission and Purpose

If we are to be effective in our mission and purpose, vulnerability and authenticity are required.  We have to be honest, imperfect in living it out - flaws and all.  We can't pretend to be superhuman or perfected in our execution of our mission - just authentic and real, flaws and all.  The world has had enough fake.  It wants real.  This goes for the Christian community as well.

Our Journey - Finding Joy in the Waiting

Obviously, to say waiting has been a life-long struggle for me, is a grand understatement. It’s as if I’ve placed myself in the position of judge and jury, determining the speed and direction in which everyone or everything around me should move - even God Himself. When non-movement is the perceived response, judgmentalism can ensue, causing me to be frustrated with the world and God alike. Although I am sure there are “groups” for people like me, please tell me I’m not the only one!