All tagged Christian woman

Our Journey - The Pink Elephant

This past Thursday we received the long-awaited update regarding Stan’s healing and progress. Prior to the follow-up, I found myself fantasizing about how I would deliver the good news to everyone. I imagined posting a picture of Stan holding up his Life Vest, with the caption, “Thank God Almighty He’s Free at Last!”

When New Mercies are Needed

In addition to being a genius, Thomas Edison (most famously known as the inventor of the light bulb), was often described as an extreme optimist. 

Forgiveness Isn't...

You know when you hear a word for a phrase, over and over? It seems you can’t escape it’s invasion into your space.  Author Margaret Feinberg describes this as a “Sacred Echo,” when God is trying to get your attention or get a point across. This very thing happened to me this past week.  The word I kept hearing?  “Forgiveness.”  First, I saw it in a letter someone had written.  Then I heard someone say it out loud. Then I heard an analogy about forgiveness. Finally, I clearly heard God’s voice…”Cammie, you haven’t really forgiven ________.”  Awesome.  Just awesome. I thought this account had been cleared.

The Key to Curing Pride

As with many people, each year I ask God for a “word.”  You know, that “thing” that is to be your focus or theme for the year.  I began asking in the Fall, and as a result, He gave me not only one word, but two: “Manifest Presence.”  I immediately dove in, trying my best to fully understand and experience this concept.  My journey has been different than what I imagined.

Is Wounded Worship What He Had in Mind?

The worship music is playing.  The hearts, minds, and arms of those around you are extended in praise.  Yet, you manage to find yourself struggling to engage; to "feel" it; to even flat out participate. Has this ever happened to you?  I know it has me. It's at these times that your desire to offer heartfelt worship to the One you love seems much too inadequate.  Your mind tells you to “get over it,” but your heart won’t let you.

The Result of Getting Honest

Tuesday night I had the opportunity to do one of my favorite things – teach a workshop Biblical Journaling.  I can't even describe how my heart dances when I witness others comprehend that they can actually hear from God as they journal and spend time in His Word.  I came home excited, fulfilled and encouraged, as 34 men and women gained a greater understanding of how to develop a more intimate relationship with Him, experience true transformation, and learn how to hear His voice. And it all started with our getting honest about the barriers or struggles in this area - things like fear, confusion, apathy, schedules, distractions, TV, social media, discipline, perfectionism, etc.  It was awesome to say the least!

The Land In-Between

Have you ever felt like you’re literally going around in circles, not making any progress?  In fact, it seems you keep re-visiting (over and over and over) the same things or issues, without ever arriving at a destination.  It can seem like it's "same ol', same ol." It’s frustrating, aggravating and can cause us to abandon hope and loose heart, wondering if God remembers, hears, or sees us at all.

Our Two Greatest Obstacles

It’s been said (great sermon, BTW, Stan-my-man) that there are two obstacles that keep us from becoming fully-engaged, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  These two challenges also keep us from fully pursuing and acquiring emotional and spiritual health and freedom. First obstacle – we simply don’t know what to do. Second obstacle – we know what to do, but we don’t do it.