The Land In-Between
Have you ever felt like you’re literally going around in circles, not making any progress? In fact, it seems you keep re-visiting (over and over and over) the same things or issues, without ever arriving at a destination. It can seem like it's "same ol', same ol." It’s frustrating, aggravating and can cause us to abandon hope and loose heart, wondering if God remembers, hears, or sees us at all. You know God’s given you a picture, dream, or vision of what He has for you, but nothing is happening. Did we really hear God in the first place? Most of us have either been here, are here, or will be here – a place I refer to as “The Land In-Between.” In fact, I’ve been in The Land In-Between at least 3 or 4 times in my life.
The Land In-Between is a reference to the Israelites’ time spent in the desert – in-between Egypt (the land of slavery) and the Promised Land (the land of freedom, prosperity, hopes and dreams). Pete Scazzero, in his book, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality,” refers to it as “breaking through the wall,” or in other words, pressing through a great resistance along our journey to get to the other side, which holds the promises and full life that Christ has for each of us. Our Promised Land could be a new job, pregnancy, healthy marriage, future spouse, new ministry opportunity, or even new relationships. Whatever it is, when you’re in the Land In-Between, there’s a fear that you’ll never get out.
During my time in The Land In-Between, I’ve realized that a trap many of us fall into is that of becoming list-checkers. You know… “I read my Bible. I pray. I tithe. I am serving at church. I’m as good of a person as I know how to be. I don’t know what else to do!” The problem with this approach, is that we become control freaks, lowering God to a “formula,” believing that if we do A, B, and C, He will…no, He MUST…give us a break through. We forget that these actions are meant to be expressions of our love for Him – not our bartering tool. It can also appear when we’re walking around in these circles, that we can no longer hear or feel God, which quite honestly, is terrifying. When we worship, we feel as if we’re going through the motions. When we pray, it’s as if our words are going nowhere to be heard by no one.
But my question is this…could it be that God may allow us to enter and travel in The Land-In Between to deepen and mature us beyond the need of having to “feel” Him to know He’s near? Perhaps He wants to strengthen our faith, making us non-dependent upon our feelings as a “spiritual thermometer,” allowing us to know He’s near in any and all circumstances and challenges. Could it be? Reflecting upon my times in the Land In-Between, I have to say that I believe the answer just may be “yes.”
During such a time in my life about eight years ago, I cried out to the Lord asking, “God, do you remember me? Is this all there is?!” Immediately He replied, “Cammie, all you need to do is know Me more and love Me more. I’ll take care of the rest.” Wow! Could it really be that simple? It was at that very moment that I decided to do what He suggested. I tore up my mental/spiritual checklist and simply focused on loving Him more and knowing Him more. I didn’t add or take away from it, allowing me to embark on an amazing, freeing, life-changing journey. And over a period of time, I fell more deeply and intimately in love with Jesus than I had ever been before. It was a serious game changer, so to speak. It wasn’t long before my circumstances dramatically changed. The opportunities and dreams reveled were better than anything I had previously imagined.
Following the Holocaust, on the wall of a concentration camp where Jews were tortured, neglected, abused and murdered, the following statement was written:
“I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining.
I believe in love, even when I cannot feel it.
I believe in God, even when He’s silent.”
The beauty and strength of this statement literally takes my breath away. Despite imprisonment, unimaginable abuse and imminent death, this individual’s concrete faith produced hope – as their belief in God had not been destroyed or abandoned – despite His seemingly overwhelming silence. I am truly amazed.
God has so much for us. He loves you. He knows your name. He knows your hopes and your dreams. In fact, He put them in you! He has plans and purposes for you and He will be faithful to fulfill them. He hasn’t forgotten you. He is faithful. He will fulfill His promises. You will not remain in The Land In-Between forever. And we can be confident that even if or when He seems silent, we “will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13. So be encouraged! Know Him more and love Him more – that’s all you have to do!