Our Two Greatest Obstacles

Our Two Greatest Obstacles

It’s been said (great sermon, BTW, Stan-my-man) that there are two obstacles that keep us from becoming fully-engaged, fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  These two challenges also keep us from fully pursuing and acquiring emotional and spiritual health and freedom. First obstacle – we simply don’t know what to do. Second obstacle – we know what to do, but we don’t do it. It’s really that simple. Although both of these truths carry a weightiness, I want to focus a bit on this second one, by asking the following question…When it comes to growing, maturing, learning, engaging, and developing our lives in Christ, what is it that causes us to hold back and not do what we know we need to do and/or what is it that makes us do something we know isn’t good?

This question brings the scripture in Romans (7:15) to mind, when the apostle Paul describes a similar time of introspection – “I don’t understand what I do.  For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”  You took the words right out of my mouth, Paul!  That feeling of saying, participating in, or instigating something that you know will later make you want to run and hide in a cave somewhere out in the Ozarks, is nothing short of, well, sick. I mean, seriously.  We know better!  Or, at least, I know that I know better! It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that such acts (or lack thereof) will ultimately bring distance or erect a barrier between us and Christ, potentially resulting in our stalling out or becoming paralyzed in our pursuit of Him and relationship with Him.  We feel ashamed and full of regret.  Yet, we still do – or don’t do – preventing a truly authentic and intimate walk with the One we claim is our Deliverer, Redeemer, Savior, and tender Friend. 

As I’ve pondered this thought, I have to ask…is the root within many of us the need for control? That ugly monster that doesn’t want to give up her misperceived power of having the final say. Or could it be fear? We’re afraid of what He may ask us to do, or worse yet, what He may ask us to give up.  As I further break this down, I have to ask myself, what is my deal? Do I really think He’s going to put me in a situation where I’ m completely and utterly miserable? Or ask me to do something that I’m not capable of doing? I mean, seriously, He hasn’t done so yet.  

Or could it be lack of trust, manifesting itself in the form of never really being able to relax, or rest in Him, as we’re just waiting for the next bomb to go off?  I picture myself hovering over a chair, never allowing myself to fully sit in it, for fear that it won’t hold my weight. And finally, could it be just flat out laziness or lack of direction? Saturday evening at church, I ran into a gentleman who thanked me for teaching a leadership class on how to develop a Spiritual Growth Plan.  He was extremely excited, which of course excited me.  He made the statement, “I’m so happy to have direction. I don’t know what I’ve been thinking all these years…I guess I just thought I’d grow and mature through osmosis!”  Ahhh, if it were only that easy!

So what is it that we’re doing, or not doing, that is preventing us from fully engaging?  Paul, as he reminds us that we are to live like the new creations that we are, spells out what some of these hindrances may be, as he encourages us to “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual impurity, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed…anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from your lips.” Colossians 3:5-8.  This weekend in his sermon, my husband hovered a bit over “filthy language,” tenderly, yet honestly, making the statement that as Believers, we’ve allowed our language to become like that of the world, therefore weakening not only our effectiveness, but our engagement with Christ – and ultimately hindering our relationship with Him.

Whatever the reason, whether it’s your language, a misconception, apathy, control or fear, I believe we need to ask this question. I mean, reeeeeaaaaallllyyy ask it – once again exposing ourselves to the One who loves us most. “God, what is it that’s keeping me from You?  What is it that I am doing, or not doing, that is a barrier between you and me?” It’s something to think about. He has so much more for us when we fully engage with Him, living like the “new creations” that He’s made us to be.  It just requires our engagement and devotion. 

I realize I say this often, but please bear with me…we can do this!  We really can!  It just takes honesty, vulnerability and a tad bit of courage, which I am confident He will give us all, when we ask.  The ball’s in our court.  Let’s take the first step.  Go ahead, ask Him.

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