All in Miscarriage

"Aint Nobody Got Time for That" - One Woman's Journey with Feelings

I’m good with feelings…the convenient ones, that is, such as joy, passion and anger. These emotions I can respect. They are straight up, clean and uncomplicated. These I can fit into my agendas. But more complicated feelings, that’s another story.

Ask Me, Don't Tell Me - the Power of Questions

Trust me – there’s a huge difference between “Get me a glass of water!" and “Would you please get me a glass of water?” The result of the latter being a glass of water; the result of the former being a death glance, possibly accompanied by afore-mentioned glass being thrown across the room (which may or may not have happened in our first year of marriage).

Keeping Your Sanity in the Waiting Room

Crappy stuff has happened.  Thing’s haven’t turned out as expected.  You’re holding on to every remaining ounce of faith you possess, believing that God is at work in the midst of it all.  In fact,  you know He is, because when you look back, you recall circumstances, events, and situations in which He’s orchestrated such happenings that cannot be chalked up to mere coincidence. 

When You've Lost a Child or Know Someone Who Has

October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. It is estimated that one in four women/couples suffer miscarriage, stillbirth or loss of an infant. Although many are affected, few are talking about it.