All tagged healing

Our Journey - The Pink Elephant

This past Thursday we received the long-awaited update regarding Stan’s healing and progress. Prior to the follow-up, I found myself fantasizing about how I would deliver the good news to everyone. I imagined posting a picture of Stan holding up his Life Vest, with the caption, “Thank God Almighty He’s Free at Last!”

Our Journey - Finding Joy in the Waiting

Obviously, to say waiting has been a life-long struggle for me, is a grand understatement. It’s as if I’ve placed myself in the position of judge and jury, determining the speed and direction in which everyone or everything around me should move - even God Himself. When non-movement is the perceived response, judgmentalism can ensue, causing me to be frustrated with the world and God alike. Although I am sure there are “groups” for people like me, please tell me I’m not the only one!

Our Journey Continues - The Power of Empathy

As I’ve watched Stan navigate through feelings of shock, disbelief, fear, ownership, determination and execution in regards to a diagnosis and all that it entails, I’ve been nothing short of amazed at the man God has given me.  Stan didn’t want this challenge, nor did he ask for it with bad habits and lack of self-care.

Our Journey Continues - Finding Our Place

Recently I was a bit taken back when I came across Proverbs 27:8: “Like a bird that wanders from its nest, is a man who wanders from his place,” prompting the question…What is my place, Lord? What is my place when the terrain which normally seems so predictable, yet productive, looks completely different, causing me to scratch my head in bewilderment?

Our Journey Continues - A New Song

This past week, I’ve had moments of temptation in which I’ve wanted to abandon our plan of “leaning into the pain” and discovering the lessons, growth and deeper relationship that Christ has for us.  There has been a time or two when I’ve want to take a very, very long nap (maybe lasting a couple days?) in an effort to escape the challenges. 

Our Journey - What to Say to a Diagnosis

As of late, whether it be on paper, computer, or spoken, I’ve had difficulty with finding the proper words.  Articulate expression of my feelings and thoughts are lacking, especially when it comes to my conversations with God.  My brain has seemingly ceased producing my ability to communicate.  At times, I’m at a complete loss.

When God Isn't Answering Your Prayers

We’ve all had prayers that we feel haven’t been answered. I know I have. You may even be in the midst of earnestly praying for something right now, and you’re wondering if God’s even listening. I’ve heard it said that when we are praying to God, there are three possible answers: Yes; No; or Not now.   But I believe there’s one more possible answer: “There’s a bigger picture here.  Are you willing to trust Me?”

How Much Jesus Do You Really Want?

“Most Christians take just enough snippets of Jesus to make them feel good, but not enough for true transformation.” Not only does this statement speak truth, but it defines a very real predicament within Christianity, particularly in America, as it seems many of us are running from true transformation. 

The Power of Saying it Out Loud

Have you ever been struck by a feeling of angst, the source of which is completely unknown? “What the heck is the matter with me?” runs through your mind. You try to "snap out of it," but no go.  It's still there.  Sometimes I can assess and figure out such a dilemma within minutes. Other times moments can turn into days before I’m able to acknowledge my lack of peace, provoking the question, “What in the world is causing me to feel this way?”  It’s then that I must stop, look within, attempt to identify my emotions and events of past hours or days.