All tagged Life Coach

Weekly Challenge - Dismantling False Belief #1

Throughout our lives, we pick up false beliefs that actually affect our soul and well-being, preventing us from moving ahead. For the next 4 weeks, we will dismantle 4 Core False Beliefs, replacing them with 4 Truths that will set us up for the life we desire!

Seven Signs of a Weary Soul

In this demanding, over-stimulated and over-scheduled world in which we live, Soul Weariness is epidemic. It’s destroying lives, families, careers and churches in its wake.  Anxiety, loss of enjoyment of life, and depression are the result.  Many are just hanging on, when they want to move ahead. Some are in a deep rut, or even paralyzed, as clarity of purpose and vision have vanished. With this in mind, how do you know if you are Soul Weary?  What are the symptoms?  And once identified, what do you do?  

When Time Management No Longer Works

There I was again – too much to do and too little time to do it.  Honestly, it seemed to be the story of my life these past months.  You’d think with the kids grown and gone; I’d be getting more - not less - done.  In the past it wasn’t a problem. I was practical a machine!  Being someone with what seemed to be endless energy, each day would begin with a mental, or better yet, written list of all that needed to be accomplished. I always knew how much I could get done, almost down to the minute. I considered myself to a Time Management Master.