All tagged Intimacy

Our Journey - The Cost of a New Heart

God most often doesn’t immediately deliver us from that which we need deliverance, as most often His concern is not only deliverance, but character development, which takes time.   

Our Journey - What's Next?

Please be assured that this vulnerable confession isn't some pathetic attempt to evoke sympathy.  I don't feel sorry for myself in the least, and I would hope you don’t either. This really is a good thing.

Our Journey Continues - Sacrificing Desires

After 25 plus years of consistently reading God’s Word, it never ceases to amaze me how you can read a particular scripture countless times, only to have it resurface in a new and powerful light, impacting you with a truth that is not only encouraging, but can sometimes shake you to your core, causing you to do some drastic re-evaluation. Such an occurrence reinforces the truth that His Word is living and active, never diminishing, and ever empowering

A Most Serious Prayer...

Have you ever been afraid to pray certain prayers?  For instance, "God, please make me more patience."  That one's a killer! Earlier this Summer, more like late Spring, I came across a portion of scripture that I am sure most of us have read dozens of times, Psalm 51:10-12, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit with me.