All tagged Freedom

Weekly Challenge - Dismantling False Belief #1

Throughout our lives, we pick up false beliefs that actually affect our soul and well-being, preventing us from moving ahead. For the next 4 weeks, we will dismantle 4 Core False Beliefs, replacing them with 4 Truths that will set us up for the life we desire!

No More Christian Shame Vortex - The Beauty of a Broken Hallelujah

What is this source of conflict between frustration and exhaustion that happens when we attempt to muster with every bit of our strength, an offering to give to God that, by our standards, is both flawless and acceptable? Then when we fail (as we inevitably do), we spiral down the “Christian Shame Vortex”, giving up completely.  “It’s useless.  I just don’t have what it takes. I can’t get this thing right.” 

Taking Care of Business for 2018

I was struggling for air, feeling as if I’d been holding my breath for ages.  My heart was literally racing.  I had that sick feeling in my stomach, which for me is indicative of shock, trauma even.

Forgiveness Isn't...

You know when you hear a word for a phrase, over and over? It seems you can’t escape it’s invasion into your space.  Author Margaret Feinberg describes this as a “Sacred Echo,” when God is trying to get your attention or get a point across. This very thing happened to me this past week.  The word I kept hearing?  “Forgiveness.”  First, I saw it in a letter someone had written.  Then I heard someone say it out loud. Then I heard an analogy about forgiveness. Finally, I clearly heard God’s voice…”Cammie, you haven’t really forgiven ________.”  Awesome.  Just awesome. I thought this account had been cleared.

"Holy Spirit" Isn't the Name on Your Driver's License

She sat directly in front of me, nervous, scared and frustrated - rejected by those who claimed to be friends.  And if rejection in itself wasn’t enough, it was accompanied by accusation, judgment and criticism. She had been labeled as bitter and unforgiving, when those flinging the accusations were themselves withholding forgiveness.