All tagged Energy Management

Take Your Power Back - Do Away with Energy Vampires

With all that is going on in our culture - Covid, politics, endless opinions and never-ending conflict, our energy levels are struggling! Listen to this quick video to discover one change you can make to get some of your power back!

When Time Management No Longer Works

There I was again – too much to do and too little time to do it.  Honestly, it seemed to be the story of my life these past months.  You’d think with the kids grown and gone; I’d be getting more - not less - done.  In the past it wasn’t a problem. I was practical a machine!  Being someone with what seemed to be endless energy, each day would begin with a mental, or better yet, written list of all that needed to be accomplished. I always knew how much I could get done, almost down to the minute. I considered myself to a Time Management Master.