All in Coaching

Ask Me, Don't Tell Me - the Power of Questions

Trust me – there’s a huge difference between “Get me a glass of water!" and “Would you please get me a glass of water?” The result of the latter being a glass of water; the result of the former being a death glance, possibly accompanied by afore-mentioned glass being thrown across the room (which may or may not have happened in our first year of marriage).

Finding Your Mission and Purpose

If we are to be effective in our mission and purpose, vulnerability and authenticity are required.  We have to be honest, imperfect in living it out - flaws and all.  We can't pretend to be superhuman or perfected in our execution of our mission - just authentic and real, flaws and all.  The world has had enough fake.  It wants real.  This goes for the Christian community as well.

Our Journey - Bring it On 2018!

On several occasions these past weeks, I’ve heard many friends, acquaintances, and even a waitress or two mention looking forward to leaving 2017 behind, kissing it goodbye, kicking it to the curb, and boldly declaring “Good riddance!”  I include myself in this group.