All tagged Reality


I now find myself overwhelmed with this word’s powerful potential, realizing Jesus’ power can be either unleashed or shut down, depending upon its use. I also understand that my responsibility to determine its course is greatly related to how much Jesus I possess. 

Our Journey - The Pink Elephant

This past Thursday we received the long-awaited update regarding Stan’s healing and progress. Prior to the follow-up, I found myself fantasizing about how I would deliver the good news to everyone. I imagined posting a picture of Stan holding up his Life Vest, with the caption, “Thank God Almighty He’s Free at Last!”

Don't Lose Heart

A few years back, my then 24 year old son, Adam, called to tell me about his day, which was a pretty common occurrence.  His opening statement, however, was a bit uncommon.  He said, “I have a story to tell you, then I need to apologize for something.”