All tagged spiritual health

Finding Your Mission and Purpose

If we are to be effective in our mission and purpose, vulnerability and authenticity are required.  We have to be honest, imperfect in living it out - flaws and all.  We can't pretend to be superhuman or perfected in our execution of our mission - just authentic and real, flaws and all.  The world has had enough fake.  It wants real.  This goes for the Christian community as well.

Just Kill the Snake

I killed a snake yesterday. I really did.  And it felt great!  No one was more shocked than me. Just a month ago, it would have been impossible for me to muster the courage to do such a thing. But yesterday…I mustered.  I felt empowered!  I was courageous! I was strong and fierce! “Don’t mess with me!” I boldly declared.  I certainly unleashed my inner Redneck on him.

To Whom or What Does Your Soul Belong?

My soul is my most precious possession.  It belongs to me and only me…unless I decide to give it away.  It is then that my soul belongs to whomever or whatever I choose.  Only I can make this eternal decision.  It is said that your soul is made up of three parts: body, soul and spirit.   It is priceless, and along with my heart, it is the greatest commodity that I possess. 

When God Isn't Answering Your Prayers

We’ve all had prayers that we feel haven’t been answered. I know I have. You may even be in the midst of earnestly praying for something right now, and you’re wondering if God’s even listening. I’ve heard it said that when we are praying to God, there are three possible answers: Yes; No; or Not now.   But I believe there’s one more possible answer: “There’s a bigger picture here.  Are you willing to trust Me?”

"That's Where the Crazy Comes From" - Removing Family Chaos for Generations to Come

So what’s your “crazy”? If you believe you have no “crazy,” can I respectfully challenge you?  All families have it, because we’re human and imperfect.   By taking the time to identify the crazy, we can then take it to God, allowing Him to heal and restore – showing and enabling us to live a new and better way.  It is then that the power of the past, even if it is that of our great-great-grandparents and beyond, is broken.