All in Disagreements

"Holy Spirit" Isn't the Name on Your Driver's License

She sat directly in front of me, nervous, scared and frustrated - rejected by those who claimed to be friends.  And if rejection in itself wasn’t enough, it was accompanied by accusation, judgment and criticism. She had been labeled as bitter and unforgiving, when those flinging the accusations were themselves withholding forgiveness.

When God Isn't Answering Your Prayers

We’ve all had prayers that we feel haven’t been answered. I know I have. You may even be in the midst of earnestly praying for something right now, and you’re wondering if God’s even listening. I’ve heard it said that when we are praying to God, there are three possible answers: Yes; No; or Not now.   But I believe there’s one more possible answer: “There’s a bigger picture here.  Are you willing to trust Me?”

The Key to Curing Pride

As with many people, each year I ask God for a “word.”  You know, that “thing” that is to be your focus or theme for the year.  I began asking in the Fall, and as a result, He gave me not only one word, but two: “Manifest Presence.”  I immediately dove in, trying my best to fully understand and experience this concept.  My journey has been different than what I imagined.

Detrimental Leadership Mistake - Overlooking the Quiet Ones

We’re getting it wrong when it comes to identifying leaders.  Not all the time…but a lot of the time. When are we going to learn that it’s not about the good looks or showiness?  It’s not about the charisma, pedigree, loudness or shininess of the package.  We’re failing to look beyond the outer presentation, investigate, dig deep, and use God-given discernment to discover the true depth, health, and wholeness of those we desire to elevate to leadership. We’re failing to discover if they possess integrity, character, and resolve – the true inner being of a leader. It doesn't matter what they're like in public, as much as it matters what they're like in private.

Is Wounded Worship What He Had in Mind?

The worship music is playing.  The hearts, minds, and arms of those around you are extended in praise.  Yet, you manage to find yourself struggling to engage; to "feel" it; to even flat out participate. Has this ever happened to you?  I know it has me. It's at these times that your desire to offer heartfelt worship to the One you love seems much too inadequate.  Your mind tells you to “get over it,” but your heart won’t let you.

It's Not the Government's Responsibility

God didn’t tell the Government to fix racial tension or promote one people groups agenda over another.  Rather, He commanded us to “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4.   If we truly considered others better than ourselves, looking to others’ interests instead of our own, there wouldn’t be racial tension nor division. If you believe your race is better than another race…you might want to hold on to your hat, because there will be absolutely no racial divides in eternity!

How to Pray When You're Seriously ADHD

But how does one do that when you’re seriously ADHD? What do you do if you struggle to focus every single time that you pray?  I pray. I really do.  But most often, it’s a couple minutes here and a few minutes there.  Goodness!  It’s even hard for me to finish a complete sentence sometimes without finding myself on a completely different subject!

The Reason We Don't Talk About Sin

Hello.  My name is Cammie and I’m a sinner. I know it and I own it.  I try not to sin, but inevitably, it happens.  Whether it’s something I say, watch, or do, no sooner does the action take place than I know what’s transpired.  Sometimes I sin deliberately.  Sometimes it’s an honest mistake.  Regardless, I know that I’m a big fat sinner…and I think that’s a very good thing.