All tagged Parenting

Confessions of a Pentecostal Child

It all began when I realized I’d had it all wrong. Way wrong. Although difficult to admit, I was tired of what I call “white-knuckling” my relationship with Jesus – trying to be who I thought He wanted me to be and what others told me I should be. Always falling short. Always filled with shame.

How Much Faith is Enough?

Stan and I recently found ourselves deep discussion regarding faith and healing.  Although both possessing faith, we each divulged we felt a lack as well, somewhat resembling the father of the sick boy, when he transparently admitted to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). 

Parental Menopause - The Mother of All Transitions

Last night both our boys called at the same time.  One spoke to Stan, the other to me.  Both called to tell us what was going on in their lives.  Both needed to talk a few things through. In the end, both sought advice.  It was nothing short of a miracle.  God has brought all four of us so far over these past 10 years…leading us through what I call the Great Parental Menopause – that transition of two adults parenting two children, to two adults who happen to be the parents of two adults.

How We Can Impact Generations to Come

Judges (2:10) both amazes and terrifies me every time I read it.  Not too long after Joshua (Moses’ successor) had successfully led those somewhat difficult Children of Israel into the Promised Land, he passed away.  The Word then goes on to describe the state of God’s Children as such:  “After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel.”  What happened?!?!