All tagged Clarity

When You're Longing to Hear from God...

How long has it been since I felt like I honest-to-goodness heard from the Lord?

I can’t even remember.

It had been such a long time since I’d found that golden-Holy-Spirit-nugget-of-truth, jumping off the pages, bringing clarity, solace, understanding, even a surge of energy. For more days than I could count, it seemed as if I have been merely going through the motions, doing the next “right” thing, hoping that eventually there would be some type of break thru - that familiar, yet unfamiliar, spark that would once again ignite the passion within me to not merely “get through” another day, but rather seize it with a force of gusto originating from deep within my belly, knowing that I was on target to do what He’d called me to do.

Forgiveness Isn't...

You know when you hear a word for a phrase, over and over? It seems you can’t escape it’s invasion into your space.  Author Margaret Feinberg describes this as a “Sacred Echo,” when God is trying to get your attention or get a point across. This very thing happened to me this past week.  The word I kept hearing?  “Forgiveness.”  First, I saw it in a letter someone had written.  Then I heard someone say it out loud. Then I heard an analogy about forgiveness. Finally, I clearly heard God’s voice…”Cammie, you haven’t really forgiven ________.”  Awesome.  Just awesome. I thought this account had been cleared.