All tagged worship

The Key to Curing Pride

As with many people, each year I ask God for a “word.”  You know, that “thing” that is to be your focus or theme for the year.  I began asking in the Fall, and as a result, He gave me not only one word, but two: “Manifest Presence.”  I immediately dove in, trying my best to fully understand and experience this concept.  My journey has been different than what I imagined.

Is Wounded Worship What He Had in Mind?

The worship music is playing.  The hearts, minds, and arms of those around you are extended in praise.  Yet, you manage to find yourself struggling to engage; to "feel" it; to even flat out participate. Has this ever happened to you?  I know it has me. It's at these times that your desire to offer heartfelt worship to the One you love seems much too inadequate.  Your mind tells you to “get over it,” but your heart won’t let you.