All tagged kindness

Small Things Really Matter

In preparation for each New Year, I always create a Spiritual Growth Plan.  It has nothing to do with resolutions. But rather, it’s a strategy set in place to help me grow, flourish, and of course, be challenged.  I requires me to seriously seek God, asking what my focus is to be. This year as I thought, prayed, and mapped out my new plan, I was challenged that it's not  just the big things, but the little ones that matter - not only in growth, but with how we make a difference in the world and eternity.

Don't Be Ugly

What happened to “agreeing to disagree,” allowing each other the freedom to express a contrary opinion, without someone else hurling hurtful and downright abusive comments? Why are we seeing friendships literally destroyed right before our eyes, as insults are slung in contrast to previous professions of love?  Or better yet, what happened to keeping our opinions to ourselves? Do we really have to react by voicing EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT that comes into our minds?