"The most favorite part of my job is calling-out the gift of music that God has placed in kids and adults," my oldest son, Adam, declared. Wow! Who raised this kid and where did he come from?! You see, Adam, is a musician. He's actually an employed musician, believe it or not, which is a rare and beautiful thing in today's world. After a long stint as a worship pastor in both a large and small church, Adam and his gorgeous wife, Rachael, decided they wanted to impact the community with Jesus in an more intimate way than working in a large church allowed them to do, so they started a music school - Learn Music. It was evident right away that God had blessed Adam and Rachael's great step of faith in a big way. The school grew incredible fast, and now just over two years later, they have almost 300 students. They're thriving. They're in their element. They've helped hundreds of individuals discover their passions and gifts. They've impacted families and they've impacted the community, and they continue to do so. They're "Caller-Outers." Now this blog entry isn't just to brag about my oldest child (Zach, honey, I'm equally as proud of you - PROMISE!). But it's rather to discuss the concept of the declaration that Adam made that day - the concept of being a "Caller Outer."
I started thinking about different people in my life who called things out of me - Katie Dove, who told me over and over when I was a child plagued by fear and insecurity, that I was smart and could do anything; Barbara Gage, who told me I should lead women; Devi Titus, who told me I was a good leader and poured her wisdom and expertise into me; Dolly Carlson, who encouraged my honesty and told me it was a rare and powerful tool; Karen Abecrombie (from the War Room) who would praise, encourage and help me out whenever I asked, as I led Women's Ministries, in NC; Rivera Douthit, who would describe me as a "leader of leaders," even when I certainly didn't feel like it; and of course, my husband, who is my biggest cheerleader (in a most manly kind of way, of course).
All of these individuals were and are Caller-Outers. They profoundly affected my life. And if they did it for me, I know they've done it for others. Why? Because they have the ability to see in others what Jesus sees - even if it isn't apparent yet. They realize the power of encouragement (not flattery) and they're not afraid to use it. They're confidence is such that they find great joy in lavishing praise and encouragement on others. They get it. They get that one of their greatest contributions to the Kingdom is to literally CALL OUT the giftings that God has placed in other individuals, even if that person thinks they've lost their mind!
I think of Peter, after his confession of Jesus Christ, when Jesus declared, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church..." - Matthew 16:18. I wondered what Peter thought when Jesus made this bold statement? I know what I probably would have thought..."Seriously? Me? Well, put your seatbelt on, because you're probably going to be hit with a truckload of disappointment, Jesus!" But the thing is, it really didn't matter what Peter thought. The point is, Jesus CALLED IT OUT of Him, when he probably had no idea what Jesus was talking about. Jesus literally called out of Peter the future and existence of The Church as we know it. So why did Jesus make that bold statement to Peter's face? Because Jesus was the King of all Caller Outers. In fact, He still is. And furthermore, He's given us the ability to do the same. In fact, He's designed us to do it. If you have relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit resides in you. He empowers us all with the ability to be a Caller-Outer. The thing is...are we going to do it?
Several years ago I read a book by Ron Buford entitled Halftime. It profoundly affected me, as it introduced me to the concept of transitioning from wanting a life of success, to wanting a life of significance. It was at that time that I realized one of the greatest things I could do to have a life of significance, is to find and Call Out giftings in others. In fact, it's one of my life goals to find hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who can do things much better than I - starting with Calling Out the giftings that I see in them, even if they have no idea they're there. Since then, I have discovered that this is one of my greatest joys in life. It's incredibly fulfilling, stretching, and just plain fun.
You may know, beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that you are a Caller Outer. Or perhaps this is a new concept for you, or you know that it is something you need to consider. Regardless, I cannot encourage you enough. Can you imagine the impact we could make if we were all Caller Outers - countless numbers of teaches, mentors, pastors, godly-business men and women; doctors, entrepreneurs...the list could go on and on. We're talking significant impact. Eternal impact.
As always, I'd love your insight and input! We can make a difference together!